Monday Sep 20, 2021
The Land Between: Grumbling in the Wilderness | Samantha Littlefield
Monday Sep 20, 2021
Monday Sep 20, 2021
The longer we stay stuck in a rut between disaster and transformation, the easier it is to complain. When the Israelites wandered in the wilderness, despite some grumbling, God offered his presence and guidance during the crisis. This week, we examine the attitude of our complaints, and how God still graciously invites us into relationship with himself to guide us through.
Ask God for eyes to see his loving presence in areas where it feels easy to complain.
Find a sermon-based study guide for this week: menlo.church/studyguide91921
Monday Sep 13, 2021
The Land Between: Between Crisis and Promised Land | John Crosby
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Monday Sep 13, 2021
Our faith changes most in times between disaster and realignment with "the Promised Land." This week, we discuss how God's presence develops the hope and endurance that propel us on our journey of faith.
Locate yourself spiritually; do you feel in the midst of crisis (Egypt) or happy and stable (the Promised Land)? In your "Land Between," what are your places of biggest strain, where you pray God will help? Can you recall times when God already proved faithful, or when he transformed your expectations?
Find a sermon-based study guide for this week: menlo.church/studyguide91221
Monday Sep 06, 2021
Jesus Church: What the Jesus Church Does | Cheryl Fletcher
Monday Sep 06, 2021
Monday Sep 06, 2021
How does being a Jesus Church impact how we live? What does a Jesus Church do? This week, we examine Jesus's invitation to make him the cornerstone of our church and personal identities.
Read a passage about Jesus and emulate his behavior in a problem you're facing.
Towards the end of this message, Cheryl reads through Colossians 1:15-20. Read along here: http://menlo.church/scripturecard
Find a sermon-based study guide for this week: http://menlo.church/studyguide09521
Menlo Labs are fun, interactive gatherings designed to help us investigate and grow in our understanding of God and his guidance by examining a variety of important topics. Go to http://menlo.church/labs to get all the details and register!
Monday Aug 30, 2021
Jesus Church: What Happens When the Church Goes Wrong? | Matt Stephan
Monday Aug 30, 2021
Monday Aug 30, 2021
What happens when the church goes wrong? What tools does Jesus give us to process wrongdoing? In week three of our Jesus Church series, we tackle the mystery and the mess of church and how to rededicate ourselves to Jesus.
Menlo Labs are fun, interactive gatherings designed to help us investigate and grow in our understanding of God and his guidance by examining a variety of important topics. Go to http://menlo.church/labs to get all the details and register!
Find a sermon-based study guide for this week: http://menlo.church/studyguide82921
Volunteer with our Online Campus: http://menlo.church/connectcard
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Jesus Church: Who is the Church? | Matt Summers
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Monday Aug 23, 2021
Who is the church? Is it the building, the people, or the values? In week two of our series, Jesus Church, we discuss the power of belonging. We all crave acceptance, but how does a faith community provide that? Join us as we explore what it means to be a Jesus Church, accept God's invitation, and allow people to belong before they believe.
Offer yourself in worship to God or service to one another. This is core to being a faith community.
Menlo Labs are fun, interactive gatherings designed to help us investigate and grow in our understanding of God and his guidance by examining a variety of important topics. Go to http://menlo.church/labs to get all the details and register!
Find a sermon-based study guide for this week: menlo.church/studyguide82221
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Jesus Church: What is the Church? | Matt Stephan
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Monday Aug 16, 2021
There are many kinds of churches, but Menlo Church is determined to be a Jesus church. In this talk we'll explore what that means. Some questions we'll tackle include: Some people say that Christianity is retreating and that church is a mess, so how do we overcome any mess and find the purpose and value? What does Jesus offer when I go to church? Gather with us as we delve into these questions in the first week of the sermon series on what it means to be a Jesus Church!
Come to church four weeks in a row for the whole series!
Find a sermon-based study guide for this week: menlo.church/studyguide81521
Monday Aug 09, 2021
One Generation Blesses Another: Giving to Another Generation } Adam Hendrix
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Monday Aug 09, 2021
The divide between generations can seem impossible to bridge: different lifestyles, different ways of speaking, different approaches to faith. This week, we discuss how to bridge this divide and become givers. To pass down the faith, we need the older generation’s wisdom and empathy. To respect and learn, we need the younger generation’s honor and trust.
Choose something to give to another generation. Give honor to those who have led or inspired you. Give time to a younger person by mentoring them. Give empathy by taking someone to coffee and listening to their struggles.
Keeping our congregation informed about our Senior Pastor Search: https://menlo.church/news/senior-pastor-search
Come spend time with your ministry team, learn the ways to volunteer and hear our vision for the year at our Volunteer Kickoff: https://menlo.church/volunteer-kickoff
Find a sermon-based study guide for this week: menlo.church/studyguide8821
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Monday Aug 02, 2021
Monday Jul 26, 2021
Life Hacks: A Better Way to Live - Walking With The Wise | John Crosby
Monday Jul 26, 2021
Monday Jul 26, 2021
Proverbs asks us to learn from one another, rather than go it alone. In this talk, as we finish our Life Hacks series on wisdom, Pastor John Crosby examines the power of counsel and how to discern who to trust to give godly advice.
Take some time to think about who you lean into for wisdom and counsel. Is there an area of your life that you need others' insight and encouragement to live a life pleasing to God? Also consider if there is an area where you resist counsel and make an effort to break down those barriers.
Monday Jul 19, 2021
Life Hacks: A Better Way to Live - The Morality of Wisdom | Matt Summers
Monday Jul 19, 2021
Monday Jul 19, 2021
The book of Proverbs offers guidance for good living, but we also need to consider what motivates our morality and think about how to define what is good. In this message, we explore what wisdom looks like in our actions, as well as what the difference is between being right and being righteous.
This week take some time to be mindful that righteousness is more than a principle. Remember that when we follow God, we give the world a glimpse of goodness. What tangible thing can you do this week that is a reflection of God's goodness?
Find a sermon-based study guide for this week: http://menlo.church/studyguide71821